And by cavities, I mean putting Styrofoam and insulation in the crevasses of a house, which I came to find out is referred to as filling cavities in the construction world. So Brian watch out, I’m right on your heals. I came upon this enriching activity through the organization which many of you may of heard before, Habitat for Humanity. Habitat is a growing organization that builds homes for those in need, and gives them a hand up rather than a hand out, but giving them a no interest mortgage, and selling the house to them at cost rather than fair market value. The houses are built by volunteers, and are going up all over the world. With numerous sites and projects going on, Habitat completes a home every 24 minutes! Pretty awesome huh. I was one of the lucky few from our group that was given the opportunity to spend multiple days building a house in our small Invercargill community. Construction has been a lot of fun, but at the end of an 8 hour day of making, shoveling and pouring cement, I was ready for a back rub and a long nap! The wall you see in this picture is the wall we filled with cement on bucket at a time. It was a long day. We also spent time putting up dry wall, doing insulation, and working on the ceiling plates.

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