It is a 36 mile loop just out side of Te Anau. The map of the trail is if you were to stretch the loop out into a line, that is the trail from a profile view. So as you can see, the first day you are just heading straight up. We did just over eight miles, seven of which were steep switch backs through a forest, that was green and beautiful. Just shy of the summit we had lunch under the limestone cliffs. We all wished we had brought our climbing gear cause it looked like some good climbing. Once we made it to the top the view was incredible. You could see Te Anau and the flat farm lands surrounding the area, and opposite of Te Anau are steep mountains and the south fiord of the lake.

This is the “hut” we stayed in. They call them huts, but as you can see, it looks like our own little Rohan palace. The huts are on the more popular trails in New Zealand, and you kind of have to stay in the huts, which is not a bad, but it kind of softens the rough edges of backpacking. The huts provide a burner stove, toilets, and bunk beds, and people from around the world. I think there were only one or two locals on the track, the rest came from Australia, Israel, and all over Europe, and the good ol’ USA. At this first hut there were caves that were ten minutes from our hut, so our group did some spelunking. We probably ventured into the cave for thirty or forty-five minutes and never got to the end, so we have no idea how deep they really do go! They were totally amazing.

The second day was interesting. The weather in New Zealand is something else, and when you get into the backcountry it is just amplified. We were told that there was a possibility of showers and snow on the ridge we were hiking the majority of the day and winds of 50mph. So to try and stay ahead of the weather, we quickly ate breakfast and headed out to hike the ridge. We managed to stay ahead of the snow, if it ever did snow, but the wind was inescapable! Wind on a ridge, makes very interesting hiking with a 30lbs pack. Most of the time we were walking at a 45 degree angle, but with the strong gusts and calms we were staggering all over the place. I think we added on an extra mile to our track because it was impossible to walk in a straight line. On some of the sections we would just have to get down low and sit on the ground until the gust would die down. I totally felt like I was climbing Everest minus the snow.

Once we got off the ridge and into the trees it was so calm, and beautiful. The trees were awesome, and different then anything I have ever seen. Once we made it down the mountain and into the hut, it started to pour, we were pretty lucky. Since it was raining we just hung out in the tent, and everyone took at least an hour nap. After feeling rested, some of us braved the rain and set out for a waterfall that was twenty minutes from the hut. I was really hesitant to go because of the rain, but the hike was beautiful and the waterfall was awesome! We all wanted to get in and swim, but with no promise of every drying off we all decided to against playing in the water fall.

The last day was our big day. Since we were cutting out the third hut and just heading straight to the car, we had to travel 18 miles by the early afternoon. So we go up at six and were out the door by seven. It was still fairly dark, and the birds were going crazy! During this part of the hike we decided to space ourselves out, and instead of talking, just listening and getting a feel for the area. It was an awesome experience. The early morning really is the best time of mountains. After hiking through endless forest, we eventually ended near a lake where we ate lunch on the beach. We did make it out just after two, and all sat down and enjoyed talking our hiking boots off. Once we all tried to get up, we also felt three days of soreness that had been mounting. At church the next day, you could spot us all from our stiff limps and moans when we moved.
These are some random pictures from the hike as well: